The process of applying for Australian citizenship varies depending on your eligibility. There are a number of application options and different eligibility requirements. Options include automatic citizenship (for example by descent or adoption by an Australian citizen) or by conferrel (when a permanent resident applies to become a citizen).
Requirements for Australian Citizenship via Conferral
The basic requirements to apply for Australian citizenship by Conferral are:
- You must have been lawfully resident in Australia for four years prior to the applications and,
- You must have been a permanent resident for at least the last 12 months prior to the application.
- Of the 4 years residency in Australia you must not have lived outside Australia for more than 12 months
- Of the 12 months as permanent resident you must not have lived outside Australia for more than 90 days
- You must also pass a citizenship test unless you are exempted from the test.
- You must not have been present as an unlawful citizen for any period in the four years.
- You must satisfy character requirements.
Ministerial Discretion
You may be able to ask for discretion to be exercised by the Minister to allow a grant of citizenship in exceptional circumstances where you have not met the requirements such as:
- Administrative error led to you becoming unlawful or not becoming a permanent resident
- You would suffer significant hardship if a period of temporary residence is not counted as a period of permanent residence
- You are a spouse, widow or widower of an Australian citizen, were a permanent resident, and maintained a close and continuing association with Australia during the relevant period
- for persons with an Australian spouse, who could not find work in their chosen field and therefore needed to work overseas
Other special residence requirements to qualify for Citizenship include:
- You have been engaged in activities of special benefit to Australia or work that required regular travel.
- You have completed the required amount of Defence services.
How can we help you to obtain Australian Citizenship?
We can assist you to handle your Australian Citizenship application and provide advice regarding issues including:
- prepare and lodge your citizenship application ensuring full and precise information is included at the time of application to avoid lengthy delays or refusal
- prepare submissions to the Minister on your behalf where necessary
- handle applications related to review rights and refusals or the revocation of an approval via the the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)
Contact us to confirm you meet all requirements and to ensure your citizenship application is prepared and lodged correctly.