Points Test
This Points Test calculator can give you an idea of your points score for a skilled visa. Please note, you will need to confirm your points score with one of our specialists as different criteria applies for each option. 65 points may not be sufficient for your specific situation. Book an assessment to confirm your eligibility for a skilled visa.
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Visa Subclass
Which of the following subclasses are you applying for?Score: 0
Age *
Which age band do you fit into?Score: 25
English Language Ability *
How would you rate your English language ability?Score: Not Met
Australian Educational Qualification
Have you met the requirements for the award of degree, diploma, advanced diploma or trade qualification(s) which took at least 2 years of full-time study in Australia at an Australian institution ?Score: 0
Specialist Education Qualification
Have you met the requirements for the award of an Australian specialist educational qualification?Score: 0
What is your highest Qualification?Score: 0
Overseas Work Experience
Thinking about your work experience overseas, in the last 10 years, how long have you worked in your nominated occupation or closely related skilled occupation? *As specific criteria applies, our Migration Specialist will need to assess your situation to confirm number of years which can be claimed:Score: 0
Australian Work Experience
Thinking about your work experience in Australia, in the last 10 years, how long have you worked in your nominated occupation or closely related skilled occupation? *As specific criteria applies, our Migration Specialist will need to assess your situation to confirm number of years which can be claimed:Score: 0
Partner Skill Qualifications
Check any boxes which apply to your partner or spouseScore: 0
Designated Language
Do any of the following apply to you?Score: 0